Posted by David Ihm (a.k.a. The Rhinestone Genie) on 25th Aug 2023
Craft Project - Gift Bag and Greeting Card (Video Demo)
How to present the perfect present? Do you want someone special to remember the gift you gave them, or at least remember the presentation. Here is unique way to personalize and give someone a gift. This video craft project will demonstrate how custom bling a gift bag and greeting card with rhinestones. It's fast, easy and fun, it only takes a few minutes.
What's Needed
Things You Need to Bling
1) Steel Layout Tray, baking pans and cookie sheets work great.
2) Magnetic rhinestone Templates 10ss/3mm is the size that fits our stock templates.
3) HotFix Rhinestones 10ss/3mm is the size that fits our stock templates.
4) Rhinestone Brush or Sweeping Pad
6) Iron or Heat Press
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